
Inquiry highlights the acute need for ongoing funding of disaster legal services
The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics have published their report on the inquiry into insurer’s responses to 2022 major flood claims Flood failure to future fairness.
Independent Children’s Lawyer Program at Crisis Point
Legal Aid Commissions face a nation-wide crisis in the sustainability of the Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL) Program. The challenges for these lawyers was a key discussion point at the National Independent Children’s Lawyer conference held in Perth yesterday, where more than 100 Independent Children’s Lawyers were in attendance.
NLA & WLSA media statement: Family Violence should be considered in property disputes under Family Law Act
Today, Women’s Legal Services Australia and National Legal Aid will tell the Australian Parliament that family violence must be a factor considered in family law property disputes.
Australian Human Rights Commission (Cost Protection) Bill passed
The Australian Human Rights Commission (Cost Protection) Bill was passed last week. National Legal Aid, in partnership with the Kingsford Legal Centre and the Australian Council of Trade Unions, would like to thank everyone involved for their incredible advocacy. We thank and acknowledge everyone who has advocated in this area, as this work has been done by so many organisations with passionate staff and volunteers.
Legal Aid DV funding call ahead of meeting of Attorneys-General New News Article
The Federal and State-Territory Attorneys-General are meeting on Tuesday to agree to the allocation of the $3.9 billion investment in legal assistance announced at the National Cabinet meeting on domestic violence a few weeks ago.
Royal Commission identifies need for free legal assistance to support veterans
Inquiry says “Dedicated funding for veterans’ legal assistance should continue”.
The peak body for Australia’s largest legal sector has welcomed key findings of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.
National Legal Aid welcomes announcement of additional funding for legal assistance services
National Legal Aid welcomes the announcement by National Cabinet today of additional funding for legal assistance services and longer-term funding certainty under a new Access to Justice Partnership.
NLA Statement on the Final Report of the Independent Review of National Legal Assistance Partnership
National Legal Aid welcomes the release of the NLAP Review Report. The Report acknowledges that the legal assistance sector has been under..
Legal Aid urges Federal Government to make long term investment in legal assistance
A coalition of legal assistance services are calling on the Federal and State/Territory Governments to introduce a series of reforms to address...